On Oct 19, 2006, at 4:17 AM, Szymon Kacprzak wrote:
I have problem with DB size. Now it's 114 GB (with 18 Windows Server
clients). My policy parameters are:
Version Data Exist: Nolimit
Version Data Deleted: Nolimit
Retain Extra Ver.: 7
Retain Only Ver.: 7
Your backup retentions are tiny, so one would expect that db space
would be quickly freed. Make sure that your expirations are running
to completion, which is to say that they are not for any reason
stopping way short of dealing with all the marked-for-deletion data
in your storage pools. Also, check that the policy set involved in
the above parameters is actually active.
The above policy specs are for Backup. If clients happen also to be
Archive, that's a separate retention issue.
Some files may have been originally bound to a management class which
no longer exists, such that the default management class now governs
them. (In rare situations, the server Grace Period may apply, where
copy groups are whacky.
I would review what filespaces are present for nodes. Clients can
whimsically change file system names and mount points over time,
resulting in TSM storage pool data which cannot expire, and is
actually redundant.
Do Query OCCupancy and look for suspiciously high Number of Files
values, and investigate in that area, running very specifically-
formulated Select commands on that area of the Backups table to see
what's in there. You might have a situation where your database has
been around for years, and still carries over-consumption issues
resulting from defects in prior versions of TSM.
Have a look at "Database consumption factors" in http://people.bu.edu/
rbs/ADSM.QuickFacts for things which can eat db space, beyond file
storage. You may have excessive retention for data in your Activity
Log or Summary Table which is hurting.
I've deleted 3 clients nodes, delete a lot of archives data and run
expiration process, but db size didn't change.
I want to make sure there is no misconception here... Database size
does not change because you cleared out some content: its internal
utilization changes. And a lot of distributed free space within a
database is a good thing.
Richard Sims