Hi, I am facing problem in restoring single log file using brrrestore. The activity log shows that the require file archTPP.log has been successfully backed by brarchive using tdp for SAP/R3 V5.2. We are unable to retrieve this file by brrestore command. It gives following error while running "brrestore -n det_log -p initTPP.sap"
"option '-n' not supported for 'util_file' " The very same -n options works fine with the direct tape backup on local host. The -d switch in conjunction to -n allows us to specify device i.e tape (only) and does not support util parameter file. Some of the log files with extension .fnf, .cds and archTPP.log file on the production server required for restoring the archive logs has been lost due to corruption in oracle database. This files are already being backed up and are very much present in the backup set. but we are unable to restore it either by using the switches available in brrestore command line or brtools menu. This are vital files containing information of the archive logs backup prior to database crashes. If we can restore any of the above mentioned individual files from the backup set we can restore archive logs and recover database. If any one of you know , do let me know how to retrieve single file. We have restored previous online backup and required archive logs to fully recovered from data loss. Regards Pranav