
I have some question regarding backup of large fileservers.

We have 20+ filers with a total of 9 and 15TB of home and common
folders. The problem is when the Filer admins decide to move or split
volumes which give us a new full backup... And after some time it will
be harder to track data down, where was data stored etc.

Currently we backup the qtree ie. on NetApp \\Filername\w0\c00. If the
volume gets full and we need to split the data between
\\Filername\w0\c00 and \\Filername\w0\c01.

However, all (common) folders have DFS links so I can backup
ex.\\Filername\w0\c00\Proj. This will give me some 10000 filespaces. But
I wont need to worry about the splits/moves.

So my question is, how do you handle backup on large filers and data
moves? If any, best practise?


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