Hello Jacqueline
Just a few thoughts
Have you ever run a tape operation in this library before?
It may be that the device name of the drive (rmt0, rmt1...) doesn't match
the path definitions
e.g you have set up drive0 as rmt0, drive1 as rmt1 , but rmt0 might be a
local dds drive and not in the library at all.
If they are crossed so that drive1 should be rmt1 but is rmt2 then the tape
that is mounted won't match the tape that is requested and will be marked
Have you internally labelled the tapes? is the library set to
An unlabelled tape can cause the problem if the library isn't set to
Hope this helps
Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Brisbane Australia
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacquelin Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM DB backup
I'm just running my first DB backup in TSM 5.3.3 in AIX 5.2
with the command
backup db devclass=lto2 type=full
and the process is scanning all my LTO2 tapes in library 3584 and
changing the status of all tapes from
scratch to private. WHY??
Jacquelin Bouchard
Université du Québec à trois-Rivières