Joni -

You are then apparently running in LOGMode=Normal, rather than

While Normal mode allows some conveniences such as not having to run
a dbbackup to reclaim Recovery Log space, the serious risk of data
loss makes it unsuitable for Enterprise use.  With Normal mode, TSM
db restoral is to a point in time, and no more: all transactions
since that time are lost.  This can be disastrous where departments
naturally expect that the data they have sent to the all-preserving
TSM server is safely resident there after a Backup or Archive
session, such that if the files are then intentionally (human
deletion, or -DELetefiles in an Archive) or unintentionally (disk
crash, human error) lost from the client, that they can be gotten
back from TSM.  After all, that's the whole point of a very expensive
product such as TSM.

I have always run with LOGMode=Rollforward, and would never use
Normal - which is rather antithetical to the purpose of the product.
I would wager that no TSM administrator who has chosen to run with
Normal mode has informed dependent departments that their data may be
lost because of such an implementation choice - knowing that irate
managers would retort, "Are you out of your mind??"  Review topic
"Database and Recovery Log Protection" in the Admin Guide in
considering the choice.

   Richard Sims

On May 2, 2006, at 1:29 PM, Joni Moyer wrote:

Hello Richard,

I have since added a database backup trigger, but it says that it
is still
disabled...  How do I go about enabling the trigger?  I didn't see an
enable option.  Thanks!

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