Well here is yet another new one for me. I run this to eject tapes and it creates a file that the mainframe uses to create a list of tapes going to the vault. With the 3494 and TSM 5.2 there is nothing else to do. Today I ran this for the first time with a 3584 and TSM 5.3.3 and only one tape ejected. When I checked the activity log I saw the message "ANR8322I 001: Remove LTO volume T00003 from entry/exit port of library 3584LIB; issue 'REPLY' along with the request ID when ready."
I am assuming that changing remove=yes to remove=bulk will fix the issue of the system waiting for a reply and if the I/O port becomes full it will continue to wait till they are removed and the port made available again. I am also assuming that if the 1 hour time set elapses without the port clearing will also result in an incomplete process. Feel free to reply if any assumptions are incorrect. q drmedia * wherestate=mo source=dbb CMDFILE=/tmp/checkout.txt CMD="&VOL&NL" FORMAT=CMD move drmedia * wherestate=mo remove=yes tostate=courier source=dbb Thanks, Geoff Gill TSM Administrator PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator SAIC M/S-G1b (858)826-4062 Email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]