Hi, does it work fork for copy pools as well?? I tried and got an error: tsm: AOHBACKUP01>define stgpool ReclMyCopyPool reclaim1 desc="reclamation pool for MyCopyPool" nextstg=MyCopyPool maxscratch=2 ANR2387E DEFINE STGPOOL: Storage pool MYCOPYPOOL is not a primary pool. ANS8001I Return code 3.
regards juraj > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im > Auftrag von Michal Mertl > Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. April 2006 22:02 > An: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Betreff: Re: Reclamation > > Marc Crombeen wrote: > > Anyone have an idea of how to use a disk pool to do reclamation for > > tape storage instead of using 2 tape drives? > > I would have guessed this is very common configuration. You > setup reclaim storage pool (e.g. 'define stgp diskreclaim > filedev maxscratch=10 nextpool=tapepool') and set it as > reclaim pool on your tape storage pool ('update stgppool > tapepool reclaimstgpool=diskreclaim'). > > The data to be reclaimed doesn't necessarily have to fit to > the reclaim storage pool. TSM will copy from tape to be > reclaimed until the reclaim pool is full. When you make up > some space in it (by migration to another tape in disk pool) > TSM will continue. > > > > > Thanks > > Marc > > > > DISCLAIMER: > > > > If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, you are > > hereby notified that any disclosure or other action taken > in reliance on its contents is strictly prohibited. > > Please delete the information from your system and notify > the sender > > immediately. If you receive this email in error contact the > County of > > Lambton at 519 845 0801 extension 405 or email > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >