
We changed our Hardware a year ago. We asked support to help us and got a
good hand-out with all the steps to make.

Here is the 'cook book':

1.  you must have the samt TSM-Version on the old and new server.
2.  migrate all diskpools to tape
3.  backup the TSM-DB on the old server maybe to a file-devclass
    ( better for restore )
4.  stop the old server
5.  save all the config-files from the old server
    ( dsmserv.opt,dsmserv.dsk,devconfig.out,volhist.out,nodelock )
6.  connect the libraryies to the new server
7.  install the tsm device driver on the new server
    all the following steps are on the new server
8.  copy the config-files from step 5. to the new server, over
    the existing!
9.  create log-files and db-files with dsmserv format
10. check the config-files! for example the devconfig.out
    for devclass,devices,pathes,etc.
11. restore the db from step 3.
12. change dsm.opt:
    expinterval =
    disablescheds yes
13. start the tsm-server in foreground ( dsmserv )
14. disable sessions
15. delete all paths, drives and libraries
16. define all paths, libraries and drives again
you must do step 15. and 16. because of possible changed scsi-id's
17. checkin libv <library> search=yes status=scratch checklabel=barcode
18. checkin libv <library> search=yes status=private checklabel=barcode
19. create the diskpools. If you have another directory-name for
    the volumes, you must delete the old ones and define new ones.
20. If everything runs fine, stop the server ( halt server ), remove
    the options you defined in step 12 from dsm.opt and start the
    tsm-server as a service like you did on the old hardware


Hope that helps you.

Kind regards

Robert Fijan

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