Farren, Farren Minns schrieb:
TSM on Solaris 2.7 - moving to on Solaris 2.9
One point is missing: you should first update the old server to TSM 5.1.10 and run a "cleanup backupgroups" before you go to version 5.2.x. Theres a good PowerPoint presentation: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21214007&aid=1 Then you could a) upgrade the old server to 5.2.7 and do the migration, or b) install TSM 5.1.10 on the new server, do the migration and upgrade to 5.2.7. That's what I did (I went to 5.3.2). Our new server is much faster than the old one. So I thought it was a better idea to let the new server do the software upgrade.
1) Do I really need to delete and redefine the drives,libray,paths etc?
I didn't have to delete the drives etc. For restoring the db on the new server you only need the library and one drive defined in your new TSM server. After restoration (or before) you can define the other drives.
2) Do I really need to run the 'checkin libv' commands.
No. You also do not need to copy the dsmserv.dsk to the new server. This could be confusing if you have different db and log volumes defined on the new server. You will need the volume history file so that the "dsmserv restore db" command will know what tapes to use. You can check it with "dsmserv restore db todate=today preview=yes" -- Regards, Dirk Kastens Universitaet Osnabrueck, Rechenzentrum (Computer Center) Albrechtstr. 28, 49069 Osnabrueck, Germany Tel.: +49-541-969-2347, FAX: -2470