Hi Folks

I have a query regarding TSM File Restores in an MSCS Cluster using DFS.

The challenge is to identify the TSM Client which has to be used to execute a

I have a 4 node cluster which has 12 Virtual Servers, each has a TSM Client.
So For example:

Cluster CLSFS01
Virtual Server Names = EDXFS01V01 - EDXFS01V12 (Drive letters d - o)
TSM Client names = EDXFS01V01 - EDXFS01V12

We have a file which has a full path name of:


The user in Explorer only knows that the data is on 'FS01'
So when he calls the help desk he asks for file j:\projects\mydoc.doc to be
restored, and he knows that it is in the 'group1' dfs share.
He only knows the server name as 'fs01\team1'

Each of the other 12 virtual servers also has a share called 'group1'.

We could be running up to 9 or more clusters using similar configurations.

The challenge then is to identify the TSM Client that must be used to find and
restore the file.

We plan to use the 'dfscmd' utility from a command line as follows:

C:\>dfscmd /view \\FS01EDX\group1\team1 /full

So we know the TSM Client to use is edxfs01v03

Using the Web Client, the help desk operator will point to
(We have unique http port definitions for each of the 12 virtual servers/TSM

Is there any other method that folk use in such an environment to identify the
TSM Client from the information provided?


Robin Lowe
Senior Technical Analyst

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