You will need to complete the following steps before doing the restore: 1. ensure you have the same model hardware as the failed system
2. ensure the drives are the same number and size as the failed system 3. install the same Operating System, patches, and hotfixes as the failed system 4. Verfiy that the HAL is configured properly (for single or multiple processors). 5. install the same TSM client version as the failed system 6. edit the \program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt file pointing it to the same TSM server address and TCPPort as the failed system. 7. run Restore.bat (home grown code) Restore.bat initiates a command line restore of a failed server. You should only run the restore.bat file if you are restoring an entire server Operating System. It will restore all the files on the system drive, the systemobject or systemstate, and systemServices. It should only be used when the entire c:\ drive data has been distroyed or corrupted. Restore.bat will also make sure that the boot.ini file is handled properly, so that there are no problems with attempting to boot to the wrong partition. Please use it with extreme caution. prerequisites: similar hardware, operating system, tsm client and hotfixes as were on the failed system. This process may work on a server with some dissimilarities from the server being restored but the more alike the two are the greater the chances of a successful restore and working system. JR Trimark <[EMAIL PROTECTED] RA.ORG> To Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor cc Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject .edu> [ADSM-L] JR- Restoring to a different server 10/21/2005 09:23 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .edu> We are backing up 2 servers using TSM 5.2, server1 and server2 (OS for both servers will be the same and we have the following operating systems in our environment: NW, Windows, AIX, Linux). Scenario: Server2 crashes and needs to be completely rebuilt. 3rd party bare metal restore/imaging products are excluded for this scenario. Question: How do I restore server2 data to server1 without having to rebuild server2 first? thanks