You haven't told us how you attempted the server restart... Make sure you are either using the provided /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv start-up script, or are manually performing the moral equivalent of its contents, which require doing a 'cd' to the server directory.
Richard Sims On Sep 11, 2005, at 8:57 AM, LeBlanc, Patricia wrote:
Am trying to get my new tsm server on unix initialized and get this error message: Never had a problem before with this.....anyone seen this before?? Aix 5.3.0 TSM Server (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999,2003. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. ANR0900I Processing options file dsmserv.opt. ANR0000W Unable to open locale message catalog, /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/dsmserv.c at. ANR7811I Direct I/O will be used for all eligible disk files. ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress. ANR0212E Unable to read disk definition file dsmserv.dsk.