> We need you to tell us whether you did a 'cd' into the server > directory before invoking the 'dsmserv' command. The indications are > that you are not sitting in that directory when you invoke the > command. TSM expects to find resources in the Current Directory > unless you explicitly point it to an alternate directory via the > DSM_DIR environment variable. > > Richard Sims >
Let me make some little corrections, you don't need to be necessarily in server directory however it is the simpliest way. If you set up two environment variables DSMSERV_DIR (directory where main executable and other necessary files are sitting) and DSMSERV_CONFIG (directory where server option file dsmserv.opt is sitting), you can run dsmserv from whatever location. I am using this model for running multipple server instances on single machine, where I have all "instance-dependent" files (dsmserv.opt, dsmserv.dsk, volhist.out, devconfig.out, etc.) placed in server subdirectory (e.g. /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/TSMS01 - on Solaris) and I am starting server from this directory with '../dsmserv quiet' command. Tom