Hi Sandra,

> If my 1st DB backup expires on 4th day, its only that DB tape that
> would return to vault-retrieve and not the corresponding data tapes
> since these data tapes contain data that is refered to by the 2nd db
> backup. NOW the problem starts where I have to keep sending  data
> tapes daily and there is most likely never returning data tapes. Am
> I right? So my question that on 5th day would backup stgpool command
> take full backup of my primary pool so that those earlier tapes
> would start to come back to main site??

Your question assumes a strong relationship between BACKUP DB and BACKUP
STGPOOL, but there is no such relationship.

BACKUP STGPOOL creates a (point-in-time) logical mirror of your primary
storage pools. Copy storage pools are not only for disaster recovery, but
can also be used to recover primary storage pool volumes in the event of a
primary pool volume failure.

BACKUP DB represents a point-in-time snapshot of your TSM database.

There is no direct relationship between the tapes created by BACKUP
STGPOOL and the tapes created by BACKUP DB.

Thus the deletion of the BACKUP DB tape has no effect on your copy storage
pool volumes, just as there is no effect on your primary storage pools.

As backup and archive versions expire in  your primary storage pools, so
they will expire in your copy storage pools.

Use reclamation to avoid the "never returning tapes" problem.



> Sorry for these dumb questions..

See my sig...   :-)



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

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