Dear all, Anyone encounter problem backing up system objects as I did? Well,I have a command schedule for XP machine systems object backup :( dsmc backup systemobject) .However it always fails.
08/29/2005 22:28:27 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed. 08/29/2005 22:28:28 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'KULSEC01_SYSOBJ' failed. Return code = 1. 08/30/2005 22:28:27 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed. 08/30/2005 22:28:27 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'KULSEC01_SYSOBJ' failed. Return code = 1. 08/31/2005 22:28:14 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed. 08/31/2005 22:28:14 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'KULSEC01_SYSOBJ' failed. Return code = 1. I did a ntbackup and restore and it works fine. To simulate a successful backup using the command line (dsmc backup systemobject) , we restarted the service and backup manually. It works fine. We even delete the adsm.sys to make sure no corrupted files before backup. I wonder what can be done to ensure successful backup using scheduled command on TSM. Thanks and Warmest Regards, Callie