On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 01:40:08PM -0400, David Longo wrote: > I've been following this thread all day. Without running the script, > I know I am getting abround 2.5 million objects per hour examined > and it takes aboput 2.5 hours to run expiration daily. That's this > week. Last week, it took about 8-10 hours to run expiration. > > What's the difference? Last week my DB was on a FAStT200HA > with 4 drawers of 73GB 10K disks. This week it is on a > FAStT 600 Turbo with 4 drawers of 73GB 15K disks and the EXP710 > drawers. That is the only change, Hint Hint! The TSM Buffer pool > stayed the same size and my "Cache hit" pct was still 99% + in both > cases. These disks systems are totally owned by one TSM server.
expiration is very I/O database dependent, and I agree with the 'hint' above. I will provide my numbers below, but want to note that some time ago (about 3 months), I moved my database from 10KRPM 9GB drives, to 15KRPM 18GB drives all logical volumes, TSM mirrored. My expiration performance moved up dramatically! I do see a case for 'smaller' is better here, as long as you don't saturate your controllers as well (I have always had plenty). >From 03/08 - 03/29 I was running on a IBM F50 with 4 332MHZ procs and 3GB memory. Cache hit stays around 99% (I allow TSM to manage the buffer pool). On 3/30, I moved wholesale to a P5-570 with 4 1.6GHZ processors and 8GB memory. Same U320 controller set up on the database and log disks as before. I am using the same 15KRPM 18 GB drives for my database and log, all TSM mirrored. TSM server 5.1.9, AIX version 5.2 ML05 PCT_UTILIZED AVAIL_SPACE_MB ------------ -------------- 85.3 69616 ACTIVITY Date Objects Examined Up/Hr ------------------ ---------- --------------------------------- F50 --> EXPIRATION 2005-03-08 2138400 EXPIRATION 2005-03-09 1864800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-10 1753200 EXPIRATION 2005-03-11 2109600 EXPIRATION 2005-03-12 2602800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-13 2545200 EXPIRATION 2005-03-14 2649600 EXPIRATION 2005-03-15 2278800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-16 2440800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-17 2019600 EXPIRATION 2005-03-18 2278800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-19 2134800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-20 1936800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-21 2599200 EXPIRATION 2005-03-22 2458800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-23 2635200 EXPIRATION 2005-03-24 2484000 EXPIRATION 2005-03-25 2206800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-26 2487600 EXPIRATION 2005-03-27 2206800 EXPIRATION 2005-03-28 1436400 EXPIRATION 2005-03-29 1360800 P5 --> EXPIRATION 2005-03-30 1317600 EXPIRATION 2005-03-31 2041200 EXPIRATION 2005-04-01 1612800 EXPIRATION 2005-04-02 1580400 EXPIRATION 2005-04-03 1872000 EXPIRATION 2005-04-04 1875600 EXPIRATION 2005-04-05 1818000 EXPIRATION 2005-04-06 2048400 EXPIRATION 2005-04-07 1659600 I would be interested in knowing what people are using for their platforms, and specifically what type of I/O infrastructure the database and log is on.. bob