Run, don't walk, to AS3.0. The memory manager in 2.1 is a piece of
garbage and caused us all kinds of issues (super low performance and
out and out crashes) We also got interrupt stack overflows left and
right. All of this was fixed up in AS3.0. Make sure you set your
vm.pagecache in /etc/sysctl.conf to something reasonable (I'm using
vm.pagecache = 1 5 15) or you'll end up with your dsmserv processes
residing mostly on disk as linux' overly aggressive file system caching
pushes all your processes out of memory. This makes your database run
*much* better. Not sure if your running qlogic fibre channel, but watch
out for the driver that ships with the AS3.0 install. I had major
performance issues with that through a brocade 12K switch. Getting the
IBM certified 6.60.60 (?) driver or qlogic's 7.X driver fixed that up.

Hope that helps - I spent the better part of a year banging my head
against AS2.1, you have been warned :-)


-- DreamWorks Animation SKG

On Dec 2, 2004, at 10:43 AM, Mark D. Rodriguez wrote:


I have a Linux based ITSM server running RHAS 2.1 with ITSM 5.2.2
code.  The ITSM server is an IBM X345 w/ 2 proc., 3GB memory, disk
storage is on FASTt.   There are a mix of Windows, Novel, and Linux
clients running ITSM 5.2.2.  This is a new environment and we are still
working out the kinks.  The biggest issue is the Aggregate transfer
on all of the machines is below 400KB/Sec. on a 100Mb ethernet
connection.  We have done FTP test that show us transfer rates more
what we would expect, i.e. approximately 10MB/sec.

I am wondering has anyone else seen this kind of performance problem?
Were you able to solve it and if so how?

Mark D. Rodriguez
President MDR Consulting, Inc.

MDR Consulting
The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
IBM Advanced Business Partner
SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert, CATE
AIX Support and Performance Tuning, RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM and Linux
Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE

-- DreamWorks Animation SKG (818) 695-3782

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