On Dec 2, 2004, at 1:43 PM, Mark D. Rodriguez wrote:


I have a Linux based ITSM server running RHAS 2.1 with ITSM 5.2.2
code.  The ITSM server is an IBM X345 w/ 2 proc., 3GB memory, disk
storage is on FASTt.   There are a mix of Windows, Novel, and Linux
clients running ITSM 5.2.2.  This is a new environment and we are still
working out the kinks.  The biggest issue is the Aggregate transfer
on all of the machines is below 400KB/Sec. on a 100Mb ethernet
connection.  We have done FTP test that show us transfer rates more
what we would expect, i.e. approximately 10MB/sec.

I am wondering has anyone else seen this kind of performance problem?
Were you able to solve it and if so how?

Well, you'll find many historic postings of such a question. The Aggregate data transfer rate is based upon session elapsed time, and so networking tends to be a relatively minor element in it. With mature file systems, the client internal processing time dominates (file system traversal seeking candidates being the major factor, as possibly impeded by virus detectors, etc.). Performing a Selective backup on a multi-GB file may be more illuminating, particularly in a mixed clients environment with a common TSM sever. Doing Query SEssion as normal backups run will give you a sense of delays, TSM accounting records provide numerics on wait times.

This boils down to classic systems analysis, where we have to
inspect all the elements contributing to the whole to determine
the time spent in each area.  You can always fall back on TSM
client tracing to enumerate the factors that it knows about.
The TSM Performance Tuning Guide is helpful up to a point, but
we have to have a sense of our system to know what tuning is

Richard Sims

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