ITSM has announced a special version of tsm to meet regulatory needs.
I forget the exact details, I think there is an extra charge.

A query license output includes these 2 lines -

  Is Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention in use ?: No
Is Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention licensed ?: No

Hope this helps,

Bill Colwell

At 11:50 AM 12/1/2004, you wrote:
>On Dec 1, 2004, at 11:13 AM, Prather, Wanda wrote:
>>Mark's right, there is no GOOD way to do this.
>>You can't create an "archive" with data that is already on TSM tapes,
>>except as a backupset, which can be a pain to track and can't be
>>browsed. ...
>I'll also add that the lack of a simple way to preserve data, as when
>a sudden regulatory or emergency requirement arises, is an, um,
>"opportunity for a product feature" (rather than a shortcoming :-).
>A further complication in the poster's need is the ability to capture
>Inactive files, which a Backupset can't do.
>A partial, but perhaps satisfactory, measure might be to temporarily
>create a "preservation" file system (name appropriately), perform a
>-latest restoral of the subject directory into it, and perform a TSM
>Archive on that, whereafter the file system can be disposed of.  This
>will at least capture all of the object names which are and have been
>in that directory, in their most recent versions.
>  Richard Sims
>      "Think different."   -- Apple

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

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