Hi Richard, yes you can suspend deletion. A bullet on the page says so. But you can't add this feature on to an existing server, so it won't help the original poster. See the redbook at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=rdb2sg24709800 for an architectural overview. It only takes data from the api and needs a content manager type product to front-end it.
- bill At 01:49 PM 12/1/2004, you wrote: >On Dec 1, 2004, at 12:18 PM, William F. Colwell wrote: > >>ITSM has announced a special version of tsm to meet regulatory needs. >>I forget the exact details, I think there is an extra charge. >> >>A query license output includes these 2 lines - >> >> Is Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention in use ?: No >>Is Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention licensed ?: No > >Hi, Bill - The web page is > http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/storage-mgr-data-reten/ >My reading of it is that it principally just guarantees that the data >won't be deleteable from TSM storage until it expires per retention >policies - but I don't perceive any capability for freezing data, per >se. >At expiration time, the data goes away, as usual. > > Richard Sims ---------- Bill Colwell C. S. Draper Lab Cambridge Ma.