Hi Richard,

yes you can suspend deletion.  A bullet on the page says so.
But you can't  add this feature on to an existing server, so it won't
help the original poster.  See the redbook at
for an architectural overview.  It only takes data from the api and
needs a content manager type product to front-end it.

- bill

At 01:49 PM 12/1/2004, you wrote:
>On Dec 1, 2004, at 12:18 PM, William F. Colwell wrote:
>>ITSM has announced a special version of tsm to meet regulatory needs.
>>I forget the exact details, I think there is an extra charge.
>>A query license output includes these 2 lines -
>>  Is Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention in use ?: No
>>Is Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention licensed ?: No
>Hi, Bill - The web page is
> http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/storage-mgr-data-reten/
>My reading of it is that it principally just guarantees that the data
>won't be deleteable from TSM storage until it expires per retention
>policies - but I don't perceive any capability for freezing data, per
>At expiration time, the data goes away, as usual.
>  Richard Sims

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

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