We have a client that runs an AIX script to stop Oracle and Apache, do an image backup of a file space, an incrmental of everything else, and then restart Oracle and Apache. Everything usually works correctly except that sometimes when Oracle starts up the file system done by the image backup is R/O; i.e. another process prevented TSM from dismounting the file system and mounting it back R/W.
The return code is still 0 and there are no error messages to indicate this is happening. Is there any way to get TSM to report that it couldn't remount the file system? The approach we are going to try is to check the state of the file system before Oracle restarts and if necessary kill any impeding processes and remount the file system. Ideas? Tia NOTICE: This communication may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. It is intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, you may not use, read, retransmit, disseminate or take any action in reliance upon it. Please notify the sender that you have received it in error and immediately delete the entire communication, including any attachments. Towers Perrin does not encrypt and cannot ensure the confidentiality or integrity of external e-mail communications and, therefore, cannot be responsible for any unauthorized access, disclosure, use or tampering that may occur during transmission. This communication is not intended to create or modify any obligation, contract or warranty of Towers Perrin, unless the firm clearly expresses such an intent.