Domino deletes each individual transaction log extent file after it is done applying the transaction in it. If Domino could not delete these files, an error message was probably displayed by Domino's Recovery Manager. I believe you can delete these files since Domino will not reuse these files when it needs additional transaction log files. However, you should contact IBM support to find out if you can safely remove these files.
Eduardo "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/19/2004 03:34:31 AM: > Hi , > I have 59 transaction files in the Transaction Log directory that have > creation dates > ranging from 04-Nov-2004 to 17-Nov-2004. > It's an unusually high amount. > Transaction Log Archiving takes place every 4 hours, without any obvious > error. > I am aware that the Domino Administrator restored a couple of mail files > and > activated them applying logs yesterday and the day before. > What happens to restored transaction files after activation and logs are > applied > to mail files ? > Are these 59 still around due to some error of some kind ? > Can I safely delete them ? > Domino Server 6.5 on Windows 2003 > TDP for Domino > TSM Backup/Archive client > TSM server for Windows. > T.I.A > Bill