We gleaned this but the answer is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Nothing has changed that could explain this error.

We have another IDENTICAL system (same hardware, same OS level, same TSM
client level, etc) that has 3-5 MILLION MORE files and it backups up,
daily, just fine !

In fact, until this problem started occurring, the other IDENTICAL system
would backup in 4-6 HOURS LESS than this system eventhough the amount of
files being inspected and backed-up (including GB transferred/backed-up)
on this system is LESS.

We can't afford to make this backup process any slower than it already is
(usual run-time is 13-15 hours).

Any thoughts/feedback from IBM ?   We saw one tid about a restore issue
causing similar error messages but 1) this is not a restore, 2) the fix
was slated for which we can not run since this is AIX 4.3 !

Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/27/2004 12:33 PM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: AIX backup failures - InsertSlashHack! and "System ran out of memory"

>ANS1225E Insufficient memory for file compression/expansion
>ANS1030E System ran out of memory. Process ended.

Zoltan - See the ANS1030E summary in ADSM QuickFacts.

IBM's message title harks back to Charlie Chaplin and the 1986 IBM PC,
where physical memory was all there was.  The message should be
titled like "Process memory limit reached. Process ended."

  Richard Sims

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