I'm working on a project where the client wants to have individual files deleted from 
backups in TSM 5.2 0.0; his organization does not use archives.  I am new to the 
product, so I've spent hours reading manuals, which has led me to this wonderful list, 
and have discovered the "Quick Facts" page as well to help get me up to speed.
So, from my research of the manuals and this list's archives, it would seem as though 
there are two ways I could accomplish this in a third-party application, either 
through the unsupported dsmc "DELETE OBJECT" command or through the API 
dsmDeleteObject function but with the caveat "only an owner of an object can delete 
it."  Also, I've become aware of the limitation where entire file spaces can be 
deleted but not just selected files.
As far as the "Delete Object" command is concerned, it seems like the jury is mixed on 
its use with "I've had no problems" or "it could create database inconsistency."  The 
API function implies that ownership is an issue.  But in either situation, the client 
is requesting an application to provide this functionality.
To keep consistent with the client's standards, they would prefer the application to 
be developed in Visual Basic 6.0.  Now if I knew that it was really OK to use the 
"Delete Object" command, I would incorporate Windows Script Host to pass the dsmc 
command to the OS with the OBJECT_ID parameter within the application and everyone 
could live happily ever after.  However, it would seem as though if the API has to be 
used, it would be messy to do it from VB using "Declare" statements for functions in 
the tsmapi.dll given all of the structs and typedefs used for the functions.
Of course, in Windows, there's almost always more than one way to do something!  What 
was suggested in the MS Knowledge Base article Q189133,;en-us;189133 
<;en-us;189133> , is to create a new 
DLL with a type library (.tlb) file in Visual C++ so the API functions can be readily 
referenced in VB.  So, rather than going down the primrose path of trying to create a 
DLL to encapsulate all of the supporting API functions needed to get to my desired 
function, does anyone know of an existing DLL with a type library that I could use?
Any input regarding the dsmc command, API, or using VB for the application would be 
Brian J. Matuschak
Ciber, Inc.
(425) 284-1319

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