On Oct 4, 2004, at 3:53 PM, Matuschak, Brian J wrote:

Anyway, to clarify the client need, once a particular file is deleted
from a particular network workstation, he merely wants to make it
impossible for that file--which was previously backed up--to be
restored back to the original location from the backup tape.
Fortunately, he doesn't care whatever method I use to prevent the file
from being restored.  If it's as simple as having the application take
a selected file and scripting dsmc to do an immediate expiration, he
will be happy.

Brian - Matthew Warren's posting advised on the most natural way to achieve this, via TSM policy settings for Inactive file versions.

Another, indirect way to achieve the goal is to have backups performed
via client schedules, with SCHEDMODe PRompted, and do
 UPDate Node ___ SESSIONITITiation=SERVEROnly , to disallow

Richard Sims

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