Dear List, I have installed the TSM extended edition 5.2.2 with patch and maintenance 5.2.3. I have Library setup and backups are being done on tapes in tape library. I am not running collocation. Operating system is Windows 2000 with SP-4.
What I have done :? ***** I have checked in 6 tapes: 000001 000002 000003 000004 000005 000006 Currently backup is available on tape 000001, that is the only tape volume defined in LTOPOOL1. I have backedup LTOPOOL1 to CPPOOL1 with DRM setup. I have reuse delay of 3, that is I will reuse tape 000002 on 4th day from today. ****** What I want:? 1- How do I checkout tape 000002 to be taken to backup site? 2- How do I track back that I need to take volume 000002 to main site and reuse? That is how do i know the cycle of these tapes? 3- Does anyone have any DRM Plan, a small one so that I get to know the details of DAILY operations? I am confused with expire inventory process, how do I initiate it and when? Cheers, Sandra.