Thanks very much this reply has been very helpful.

"Del Hoobler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
16/06/2004 13:45
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: TDP for Notes


First, the TSM Server handles all of the tape
management for you. The TSM Server knows on which
tape any specific version of any backup exists.
If the client has queried the TSM Server, and says
that it cannot find a backup, then it most likely has
expired, which means it is out of the TSM Server database.
When using the client to query the backups, make sure
your specify that you want to see active and inactive backups.

You might want to take a look at the TSM Server
Administrator's Guide. There is a chapter titled
"Implementing Policies for Client Data".
There is a very nice section in that chapter called
"Defining and Updating a Backup Copy Group".
It explains, in detail, how policy works and
what each of the backup copygroup settings does.

For example, if you really want your policy to be based
on time instead of number of versions, you should
and set RETONLY and RETEXTRA according to the number
of days that you want to keep your backups for.
Otherwise, if you have your policy based on the number
of versions, if you perform an extra manual backup
for some reason, it may force a backup to expire
before the time you wanted it to. The documentation
that I pointed you to above explains all of the
details on policy. It also gives you examples.

Also, if you have changed the the settings for a policy set,
you need to activate those changes before they become effective.
You do that with the "ACTIVATE POLICYSET" command. For example:

   activate policyset NOTES STANDARD




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/16/2004
05:25:33 AM:

> Have checked this and we have two policy sets one active and one
> with the following settings
> Policy Domain Name: NOTES
>                     Policy Set Name: ACTIVE
>                     Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
>                     Copy Group Name: STANDARD
>                     Copy Group Type: Backup
>                Versions Data Exists: 3
>               Versions Data Deleted: 1
>               Retain Extra Versions: 7
>                 Retain Only Version: 20
> Policy Domain Name: NOTES
>                     Policy Set Name: STANDARD
>                     Mgmt Class Name: STANDARD
>                     Copy Group Name: STANDARD
>                     Copy Group Type: Backup
>                Versions Data Exists: 5
>               Versions Data Deleted: 1
>               Retain Extra Versions: 7
>                 Retain Only Version: 180
> According to thses setting the database file required for restore should
> still be available, although cannot seem to go back further than 3 days,
> and require a restore from an earlier period.Was thinking of calling
> relevant tapes from offsite and checking if database file can be
> but not sure if this is indeed correct method of restoring from tape.
> Any help would br greatfully received.

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