I should know this but I'm not getting far ...... A client is setting up virtual clients to backup 'cluster packages' in the Solaris/HP world.
The intention in the 'inclexcl' file is to :- exclude * , then interrogate the Veritas resource group and include only the filesystem's required. This will work fine in the cluster packages, but the cluster owning nodes need to backup the O/S which will include / How do I code the statement to include just the root filesystem. If I code : exclude * include /.../ It will backup all files in other mounted f/systems eg /opt /var. Is this distinct to Solaris????, as I seem to remember AIX not walking the f/s tree's in this manner. I have tried * include /.../* which on Solaris seems to pick all mount points under /.. and * include //.../* which expires all backup drirectly under / We do not want to use the domain statement, as this means revisiting the dsm.sys file, which will contain multiple server stanzas for logical clients. TIA. Bruce Mitchell Storage Management (AABR Project) Barclays Capital Canary Wharf, London * +44 (020) 7773 4010 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information about Barclays Capital, please visit our web site at http://www.barcap.com. Internet communications are not secure and therefore the Barclays Group does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Although the Barclays Group operates anti-virus programmes, it does not accept responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Barclays Group. Replies to this email may be monitored by the Barclays Group for operational or business reasons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------