Hallo TSM'ers

I understand that LTO2 drives can read and write LTO1 tapes.

We have 12 LTO1 and 12 LTO2 drives in a library.

2 device classes, ultrium1 and ultrium2, each with a mount limit of 12.

During the course of the day, all LTO1 drives could be utilised while
LTO2 drives are empty and available for use.

Is it possible to instruct TSM to utilise the free LTO2 drives should
more requests for LTO1 mounts occur than there are LTO1 drives

I have been thinking of setting the ultrium2 devclass to a format of
ultrium,ultriumc,ultrium2,ultrium2c and ultrium1 to a mountlimit of
drives and wondering if that would let TSM mount LTO1's in LTO2 drives
if needed, but I am having no joy in getting the devclasses configured
this way.



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