
Have a look at the Client Users Guide - there is a special section dealing
with Cluster Installation - there is also a description how to set the
password correctly again, if its expired on the server and the clustered TSM
Client scheduler was not able to replicate the changes over to the involved
registries of the windows cluster nodes..
Tip: I set the password of my cluster nodes to never expire to not even get
in this situation.. (update nodename passexp=0 something like this, would
have to look up the correct syntax..)




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-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag von
Rogelio Bazan Reyes
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mdrz 2004 21:06
Betreff: Error on startup about scheduler service, MSCS

the sched service for a clusternode could not start.
In the dsmsched.log the messages are like this:

*03/30/2004 12:35:44 Querying server for next scheduled event.
03/30/2004 12:35:44 Node Name: CRITC
03/30/2004 12:35:45 Please enter your user id <CRITC>: ANS1029E
Communications have been dropped.
03/30/2004 12:35:45 Scheduler has been stopped.
When i tried to open a session with the tsm server, the password of the
node appears to be expired, because of the dialog box that is launched.
i suppose that the failed startup of my scheduler service is affected by
this problem (the password).
I have updated the service by dsmcutil command, i have refreshed the
password but the problem persists.
Does anybody knows something about this?


Rogelio Bazan Reyes
Grupo Financiero Santander Serfmn
Soporte Ticnico
Tlalpan 3016. Col Espartaco
C.P. 04870
D.F., Mixico
Tel. +52 +55 51741100 ext.19321
+52 +55 51741953
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