Am using an LTO 3583 with 2 scsi Gen1 drives and GEN1 cartridges. Planning
to upgrade to 4 fiber Gen2 drives in the 3583. The SCSI drives will be
removed. The current data exists on over 150 gen1 cartridges and hence do
not plan to move to gen2 cartridges immediately. The setup is directly
attached to the pSeries servers running AIX 5.1 and TSM Server
Got some queries

1. Will Gen2 drives be able to read and write(new as well as append to
existing tapes) on the existing gen1 cartridges without problem?
2. What speed will I get out of the new setup? Gen2 speed or Gen1 speed?
3. If I coexist the new gen2 drives with the existing gen1 drives where can
I get stuck?

Anyone experienced in this kind of a scenario?


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