Do you have a directory statement.  I don't remember the exact wordage but
DSMC or something like that in the .sys file.  If not then what you are
probably seeing is directories being rebound to the new class.  If there is
not a DSMC command then directories bind to the class with the largest
retension.  Could this be what is happening?

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: Farren Minns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 4:20 AM
Subject: Strange Policy Domain Question

Hi All

Running TSM on Solaris 2.7

I have been trying to add a new management class to just one dir and all
sub-dir's on one of our Solaris clients. I have been doing this with the
following steps :-

1) Create a new management class called RETDEL750 under the STANDARD policy
domain. The STANDARD backup copy group under the new man class looks as
follows :-

Policy Domain Name                STANDARD
Policy Set Name                STANDARD
Mgmt Class Name                RETDEL751
Copy Group Name                STANDARD
Versions Data Exists                3
Versions Data Deleted                1
Retain Extra Versions                180
Retain Only Version                750

Ok, so I'm happy that this means keep files deleted from the client backed
up for 750 days.

2) Now, I validate and then activate the STANDARD policy set. This works

3) Assign the new management class to the required dir with an include
statement. As follows :-

include /app/production/.../* retdel750

Now, the problem I have is that the backup for the following night shows
some strange behaviour for all clients using the STANDARD policy domain in
that all clients see a lot of files being rebound. But I would expect to
only see rebound files for the client and dir with the include statement.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something here (or just being stupid and
doing something wrong)?

Many thanks in advance

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons Ltd


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