Operational Reporting gives you information on restore and retrieve
operations, but I'm not sure how it pulls that information.

John Monahan
Senior Consultant Enterprise Solutions
Computech Resources, Inc.
Office: 952-833-0930 ext 109
Cell: 952-221-6938

             "Loon, E.J. van -
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To
             M.COM>                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            cc
             Dist Stor
             Manager"                                              Subject
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Re: SQL statement

             12/31/2003 08:11

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Richard!
Do you really think storing this information will have such a large impact
on the database? Storing restore information shouldn't use more database
space than storing backup information?
If the accounting records are the only source to obtain this information,
I'm out of luck, because I haven't accounting turned on at the moment...
I'm asked for this information because suddenly we have 6 AIX nodes with a
corrupt filespace and they aren't all running the same application. We like
to rule out a TSM restore to be the cause...
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 14:27
Subject: Re: SQL statement

>I'm looking for an SQL statement which returns all restores (nodes and
>filenames) done by my clients.
>I'm not much of an SQL wizard, so maybe someone is willing to help me or
>give me a hint?

Eric - I don't believe that such capability exists. Certainly, storing
       minutiae like that would be quite costly in terms of server space
and overhead.  You may be thinking toward the Restores table; but that was
introduced in v3 as part of Restartable Restores, for an active restoral.
I think the best you can do is glean restoral statistics from the
accounting records.  Detail restoral logs from the client systems might be
preservable, if your organization so mandated as part of business

  Richard Sims, BU

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