'>Do you really think storing this information will have such a large impact
>on the database? Storing restore information shouldn't use more database
>space than storing backup information?

Yes...because restorals can be performed over and over again on the same data,
and because of the nature of some restoral processing, which may involve the
full inventory of the filespace - including Inactive files.
>From an internal auditing perspective, a vendor would expect that a customer's
data would be secured, and that restoral auditing would include preserving the
client restoral log, which has all the details.

>I'm out of luck, because I haven't accounting turned on at the moment...

See...what did I tell you about that?  ;-)

>I'm asked for this information because suddenly we have 6 AIX nodes with a
>corrupt filespace and they aren't all running the same application. We like
>to rule out a TSM restore to be the cause...

You can inspect session records in the Activity Log to see if they did
restorals.  I would fully identify the nature and extent of the corruption
and look for cause based upon ownership/accessibility of that area.  The
errpt command, AIX process accounting records, wtmp records, and
/var/adm/messages can be your friends in such cases.  There may also be
application logs which may help (and TCP wrapper logs, etc.).

  Richard Sims, BU

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