We are in the midst of converting from 3590 to 3592's.  We purchased 22 3592's and 900 
3592 Carts via our IBM reseller.  According to our IBM partner 3592 tapes are 
available through IBM till Feb/March 04.  From then on they should be available from 
Fuji and Imation. (The tape media developed by IBM / Fuji). 

We also have been working with our tape vendor, as he requested a 3592 cart from us to 
give to Imation to compare the final product with what Imation is working on.  Of 
course we asked our IBM partner if it was ok to give our tape vendor a 3592 cart and 
their attitude was sure, the more manufactures the better to drive the tape cart price 

So far we have put in 12 of the 22 drives in production and are able to handle the 
daily backup load and do move datas from 3590's to 3592s.  Our Unix backup clients are 
seeing 1.2TB (not kidding) per cart (we create 2 copies daily) and out Intel is seeing 
about 600Gb per cart.  Only service call we had in the past 3 weeks is a tape stuck in 
the 3590's

Be careful what you heard from other vendors, we've been burned by one vendor speaking 
of another.




-----Original Message-----
From: Coolen, IG (Ilja) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: 3592 Media Availability


We purchase all 3590 and in the future 3592 tapes at Imation.
They have the 3592 tapes in their portfolio. As a mather of fact, IBM sells
3590/3592 and probably other types to, as an OEM product, manufactured by

We have no experience on 3592. We plan to implement in Q1/04.

Kind regards

Ilja Coolen

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 11:27 PM
Subject: 3592 Media Availability

I've been hearing varying stories from vendors regarding the availability of
3592 media.  Beyond the 20 tapes available through IBM with the installation
the drive, are these tapes available through resellers now?  I've seen
anywhere from today to March '04.

I'd also be interested in hearing comments from anyone with first-hand
experience using the 3592 in a production environment.  Do they live up to
the hype?



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