I have installed an IBM 3584-L32 Library with 3 FC LTO2 drives. I assumed that
since the drives are FC-AL, I could attach them to a single FC HBA in my TSM Server,
but my reseller say I need a switch, and the IBM Redbook "The IBM LTO Ultrium
Tape Libraries Guide"  (SG24-5946) states:

         The device can be attached directly to SAN switches or FC-AL hubs.

Ignoring the questions of availabilty and performance, why can't I
simple connect the first drive to my server, the second to the first,
and the third to the second ?

Sam Johnson                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FernUniversitaet                        Phone: +49-2331-987-2874,-2799
58084 Hagen, Germany                    Fax:   +49-2331-987-2720

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