Are you aware that going from a version less than to 5.2 that all the SYSTEM OBJECTS in your DB will go through some sort of 'cleanup' process (different internal format) AS YOU DO THE UPGRADEDB step. I have heard it is a CPU burner and you can not stop it. I believe there are some ZAPS available (to lessen the CPU usage) but they must be put on before the UPGRADEDB run is done. I am in a very similar position and am choosing to stop off at and run the CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS procedure to completion, (on my schedule, which can be interupted) first. Just my 2 cents.... Matt
I got this from another list serve user that posted the following... Flash #10258 (ITSM Server V5.2 Upgrade) ITSM Server upgrade considerations for moving from prior versions to ITSM 5.2 (system objects) Abstract: Any ITSM server platform upgrading to TSM V5.2, the upgrade will convert backup group information from the format used by earlier releases of TSM to the format needed for TSM V5.2. Any groups that are found to be incomplete or invalid during the conversion are not converted and are left in the old format. After the conversion, all the incomplete or invalid groups remaining in the old format are deleted. This step may result in unnecessary database searching which may utilize a significant portion of processor capacity and prevent other server activities from running Problem: When upgrading to TSM V5.2, the upgrade will convert backup group information from the format used by earlier releases of TSM to the format needed for TSM V5.2. Any groups that are found to be incomplete or invalid during the conversion are not converted and are left in the old format. After the conversion, all the incomplete or invalid groups remaining in the old format are deleted. This step may result in unnecessary database searching which may utilize a significant portion of processor capacity and prevent other server activities from running. See APAR PQ80211. Also, error messages (ANR9999D) may be issued while deleting the incomplete or invalid groups. See APAR IC37589. Who is Affected: TSM servers, prior to V5.2, on any server platform that have grouped files stored in the server storage hierarchy and tracked in the TSM server database. Grouped files are used to store Windows System Objects from a TSM Windows Client. Any filespace reported on a "QUERY FILESPACE" administrative command with the filespace name "SYSTEM OBJECT" will have grouped file information recorded in the TSM server database. All possible invalid or incomplete groups will need to be deleted either prior to upgrading to TSM 5.2 or after upgrading to TSM V5.2. Recommendation: If you have not yet upgraded to TSM 5.2 and are preparing for upgrade: The upgrade performs a conversion of tables of system objects and this can be a long process. If you need to minimize the amount of time the system will be down for the upgrade to the new version of TSM, perform the following steps prior to the upgrade. 1) If your server is not already at V4.2.3 or above, or at V5.1.7.3 or above, update your server to this level. It is important to be at these levels to ensure you have the right fixes installed which are necessary for the following steps. 2) Run the CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS utility prior to upgrading to V5.2. This should ensure that all possible invalid or incomplete grouped file entries are removed from TSM server database before migrating to V5.2. CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS is a long running command and can be scheduled to run during times when the server is not busy doing other activity. If you ran CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS with earlier versions of the utility, you should still rerun at the specified version (i.e. V4.2.3 or V5.1.7.3). Earlier versions of CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS may not have cleaned up all necessary entries and may have stopped processing before completing all entries. Refer to Flash 10210 if you would like additional information regarding the CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS utility. 3) Upgrade to TSM 5.2 4) Obtain and install server Patch which contains the fix for APAR PQ80211. Restart your server. 5) You may see ANR9999D messages issued as the cleanup of the objects occurs. The text of this message, if issued, would be: ANR9999D imutil.c (xxxx): ThreadId (yy) Error deleting object (zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz) where zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz is the object id being deleted. These messages can be ignored. (APAR IC37589 will resolve this in V5.2.2 although once this thread runs to completion APAR IC37589 will no longer be needed. ) The following should be done if you have already upgraded to TSM 5.2 and are experiencing performance problems due to the cleanup activity running in the background 1) Obtain and install server Patch which contains the fix for APAR PQ80211. Restart your server. 2) You may see ANR9999D messages issued as the cleanup of the objects occurs. The text of this message, if issued, would be: ANR9999D imutil.c (xxxx): ThreadId (yy) Error deleting object (zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz) where zzzzzzzz is the object id. These messages can be ignored. (APAR IC37589 will resolve this in V5.2.2 although once this thread runs to completion APAR IC37589 will no longer be needed.) In both of the above cases, a background thread runs after the server is upgraded to remove extraneous database entries after the conversion to new tables takes place. This background thread has been updated to remove the extraneous database searching which should result in the background thread completing more quickly. This thread will be restarted each time the server is started until the process runs to completion. Conclusion: The TSM database change in TSM V5.2 is necessary to improve the production capability and support for grouped files. The recommendations listed above should be followed to eliminate all possible invalid or incomplete grouped file entries prior to upgrading to V5.2 and to avoid performance degradation after upgrading to V5.2. Additional Information: Flash 10210 described the original problem which resulted in the creation of CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS. If you would like additional information regarding the original problem, refer to FLASH #10210 on er.html O/S: OS/400; AIX; HP-UX; Linux; Solaris; Windows; OS/390; z/OS Keywords: system objects, upgrade, migration, performance, cleanup BACKUPGROUPS -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Hubble, Frank Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:03 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: tsm upgrade getting ready to upgrade tsm server on zos 1.4 to from does anyone know if my os/390 linux clients will run with