Hi list, I have to upgrade my TSM Server and clients from 4.1 to 5.1. The new server, TSM 5.1, will be running on a different machine under Windows 2000 Server. The old one is now running on a Windows NT Server system. My storage unit is a IBM 3590 tape library (SCSI connected). The TSM 4.1 database is 17GB in size and the Recovery Log is 2GB.
Do you guys have any tips on how should I do this ?? I mean, which is the best and more secure way to do it. I4ve heard that I cannot simply backup the TSM 4.1 database and restore it on the TSM 5.1 Server. And I can4t install TSM 5.1 over 4.1 because the old server is .... well .... old and there is no space left on the disks. Any help will be apreciated. Thanks. Mario Behring __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs http://www.hotjobs.com