sorry i put the wrong output of dsmsched.log
this is the right one:

08/26/2003 16:45:35 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
08/26/2003 16:45:35 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Next operation scheduled:
16:45:35 ------------------------------------------------------------
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Schedule Name:         DOM_ARCHIVE
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Action:                Command
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Objects:               d:\Program
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Options:
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Server Window Start:   16:45:00 on 08/26/2003
16:45:35 ------------------------------------------------------------
08/26/2003 16:45:35
Executing scheduled command now.
08/26/2003 16:45:35
Executing Operating System command or script:
   d:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\domino\domarc.cmd
08/26/2003 16:45:35 Finished command.  Return code is: 1
08/26/2003 16:45:35 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed.
08/26/2003 16:45:36 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'DOM_ARCHIVE' failed.  Return
code = 1.
08/26/2003 16:45:36 Sending results for scheduled event 'DOM_ARCHIVE'.
08/26/2003 16:45:36 Results sent to server for scheduled event


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