Abdulaziz, Does the file "domarc.log" ever get created? If yes, you'll need to provide it. If not, the scheduler can't find the command file.
Do you have a separate scheduler set up for this TDP or are you trying to use your node scheduler? In either case, look in the dsmsched.log (or whatever you've named it) for more hints as to what isn't working. Bill Smoldt STORServer, Inc. -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Abdulaziz Almuammar Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:08 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TDP for Domino archive log backup scheduler problem Hi Everyone, I have TDP for lotus Domino 5.1.5 on windows 2000 server. I am trying to automate the backup by using the scheduler feature in TSM. The problem is that schedule failes every time it start. Could any one tell me why it failes although when I run the script from the lotus server it works ? Is the problem related to the path of the files and non-system commands in the script? if yes, how can I solve this problem when I have all Domino file under D:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\domino This is the script for the transaction log archiving: @ECHO OFF rem ================================================================== rem Sample Command File - domarc.smp rem rem Sample command file containing commands to do a scheduled archive rem of transaction logs to TSM storage. rem rem This file is meant to be executed by the TSM central scheduler rem in response to a defined schedule on the TSM server. rem rem Complete paths must be given for all file names and non-system rem commands. rem rem Copy this file to domarc.cmd and edit it to match your rem local environment. rem rem ================================================================== rem ================================================================== rem Replace "X:" with the drive where the Domino Application Client rem is installed. rem ================================================================== set dom_dir="D:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\domino" cd /d %dom_dir% rem ================================================================== rem The 2 lines below put a date and time stamp in a log file for rem you. rem rem Note: You can change "domarc.log" to whatever you prefer. rem ================================================================== echo Current date is: >> domarc.log date /t < NUL >> domarc.log echo Current time is: >> domarc.log time /t < NUL >> domarc.log rem ================================================================== rem Now call the command line to do the archive of the logs: rem rem Note: You can change "domasch.log" to whatever you prefer. rem ================================================================== start /B domdsmc archivelog /adsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=domasch.log >> domarc.log Regards, Abdulaziz