The MC 'MC_SRV_GW01_SO_DIA' have a backup copy group assigned to it, but it
MC is defined to yhe virtualnodename (PATROL02). This MC does not exits to
GW01. GW01 is the machine from I executed dsmc

Then , is necessary that both nodes (Gw01 y patrol02) to use the same MC?


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Curtis Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Jueves, 19 de Junio de 2003 11:07 p.m.
Asunto: Re: Restore

Check your option file or client option set for a "dirmc" parameter. I
bet it's in one of those spots and it points at management class that
doesn't have a backup copy group assigned to it.

curtis stewart

Lopez Janeth wrote:

>ok, but now the problem is the Management Class, I obtain the following
>$ dsmc -virtualnodename=eq201patrol02
>Tivoli Storage Manager
>Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 4, Release 2, Level 1.0
>(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001, All Rights Reserved.
>tsm> restore /home/u/NetCmmnd/consola_1606 /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
>Node Name: EQ201PATROL02
>Please enter password for node "EQ201PATROL02":
>Session established with server ADSM: MVS
>  Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.50
>  Server date/time: 06/19/03   13:54:12  Last access: 06/19/03   13:09:47
>ANS1128S Invalid Management Class assigned to directories. Please see the
>Session established with server ADSM: MVS
>  Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.50
>  Server date/time: 06/19/03   13:54:15  Last access: 06/19/03   13:54:12
>ANS1128S Invalid Management Class assigned to directories. Please see the
>Restore function invoked.
>Session established with server ADSM: MVS
>  Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.50
>  Server date/time: 06/19/03   13:54:16  Last access: 06/19/03   13:54:15
>ANS1128S Invalid Management Class assigned to directories. Please see the
>06/19/03   13:57:52 Management Class 'MC_SRV_GW01_SO_DIA' used for
>objects doesn't
>doesn't have a backup copy group. Specify another using
>the DirMC option.
>06/19/03   13:57:52 ANS1128S Invalid Management Class assigned to
>directories. Please see the erro
>r log.
>the MC 'MC_SRV_GW01_SO_DIA' exist in Patrol02, but it do not exist in GW01
>What you recommend us?
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: Stapleton, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Enviado el: Martes, 17 de Junio de 2003 10:40 p.m.
>Asunto: Re: Restore
>From: Lopez Janeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>I want to do a restore backup version of files to a different
>>workstation. I
>>use : restore -virtualnodename=eq201patrol02
>>I obtain the following messages in the dsmerror.log: ANS1108E
>>Invalid option
>>(-VIRTUALNODENAME) for the RESTORE command
>Try this, rather:
># dsmc -virtualnodename=eq201patrol02
>tsm> restore /home/u/NetCmmnd/consola_1606
>Note: the above command will restore one file (called consola_1606) from
>the directory /home/u/NetCmmnd. If you want to restore the directory
>console_1606 (and all subdirectories under it), the command should read
>tsm> restore /home/u/NetCmmnd/consola_1606/*
>                <whatever_target_directory_you_desire> -subdir=yes
>Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Berbee Information Networks
>Office 262.521.5627

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