From: Lopez Janeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I want to do a restore backup version of files to a different 
> workstation. I
> use : restore -virtualnodename=eq201patrol02 
> /home/u/NetCmmnd/consola_1606
> I obtain the following messages in the dsmerror.log: ANS1108E 
> Invalid option
> (-VIRTUALNODENAME) for the RESTORE command

Try this, rather:

# dsmc -virtualnodename=eq201patrol02

tsm> restore /home/u/NetCmmnd/consola_1606
Note: the above command will restore one file (called consola_1606) from
the directory /home/u/NetCmmnd. If you want to restore the directory
console_1606 (and all subdirectories under it), the command should read

tsm> restore /home/u/NetCmmnd/consola_1606/* 
                <whatever_target_directory_you_desire> -subdir=yes 

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627

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