On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 12:12:30PM -0500, Coats, Jack wrote:

> Due to 'company standardization', I upgraded my desktop from Win98 to XP,
> and IE 5.? to 6.1.  Now I start the TSM Web GUI pointed to our server
> (TSM Server Version, and show the command line.  When the
> command line shows all I see is a red X, like shows when there is a broken
> graphic a browser won't show.

The commandline is a Java-applet, and since Microsoft removed the Microsoft
Virtual Machine from Windows XP with service pack 1a, this is a problem.
:-) I have the Sun VM installed, but that doesn't work.

> The page is being displayed from URL:
> http://tsm:1580/ADMIN/ADMIN/b393ainvalid96bf1b2bec61/BITS1001010/cmdframe/cm
> dframe.frame

Do not post this URL. With this URL, no further authentication is needed to
access the TSM server. Depending on how long your timeout setting is, you're
giving away administrative access for a while.

Jurjen Oskam

PGP Key available at http://www.stupendous.org/

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