I had the same problem after I installed JVM 1.4.1.  I believe you have to run JVM 

You can get it here:  http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download.html

Julian Armendariz
System Engineer - UNIX
H.B. Fuller
(651) 236-4043

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/17/03 12:12PM >>>
Due to 'company standardization', I upgraded my desktop from Win98 to XP,
and IE 5.? to 6.1.  Now I start the TSM Web GUI pointed to our server
(TSM Server Version, and show the command line.  When the
command line shows all I see is a red X, like shows when there is a broken
graphic a browser won't show.


TIA ... Jack

PS: IE is really 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633
Update versions: SP1; Q818529 Q330994

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