
> I sure wish it were as easy, and great, as some make it sound.
> I have a server with almost 5 million files on it. There aren't that
> many changes that take place daily. I've installed journaling and it
> still takes over 12 hours to run the backup. No magic here.

I didn't say it was easy - in fact, it was damned hard to get it to work.
The problem was that the Journal service kept stopping. I had to open a PMR
with support. In the end I made 2 changes to the tsmjbbd.ini file:

I think it was the buffer size that was the key. You need to give the
journal LOTS of memory for it to keep up with all the messages the disk
handler throws at it.

Another thing we looked at was anti-virus software on the server. There was
(maybe still is) a known issue with this, which is mentioned in the Readme.
I seem to remember that this was the reason for the filter settings. Our
filter settings are not what are in the Readme, after discussions with
support. YMMV - the general idea is to cut down on all unecessary messages.
Plus we set the registry key mentioned in the Readme.

I think this has come up quite a few times already, and you'll probably
find other suggestions in the archives.

Richard Foster
Norsk Hydro asa

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