Thanks I'll give it a shot!

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 15:27:34 +0100
 Markus Veit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Hope
> are there any error messages,
> there should be because if you do a q vol xxxxx it
> returns somthing right?
> Volume name, stgpool etc,
> if thats the case you cannot update the volume to scratch
> because it still
> contains data, do a q cont <volumename> count=100
> I think the tape is propabbly not readable anymore, when
> TSM cant read the label
> of a volume it changes state to unavailable so it is not
> mounted again.
> If TSM cant read the label of a scratch tape it changes
> the state of the tape to
> private so it's not used again.
> Last try  del vol <volume_name> and check the actlog, if
> it says can't delete
> volume xxx because it still contains data
> do a move data on the volume, if that fails restore the
> volume from copypool, if
> thats not available
> delete vol <volume_name> discard=yes and hope none of the
> data on it was deleted
> from the original source :-(
> Best Regards
> Markus Veit
>                                                An:
>                                                Kopie:
>                                                Thema:
>   TSM Volumes
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              U
>              Received :  30.12.2002
>              15:09
>              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:
>              Dist Stor Manager"
> I was wondering if someone could help me out.
> I have a 3583 tape library with a x330 windows 2000
> server
> running TSM 5.1.5.
> I have a volume that is listed in both the vol and libv
> lists.
> The volume is marked as private, has no data on it and is
> also unavailable.
> I would like to make it available scratch, but cannot.
> The
> only thing I've been able to do is check the volume out
> of
> the library.
> Any suggestions?
> Hope Zaleski
> Assistant Network Administrator
> Carthage College
> Kenosha Wisconsin
> 262-551-5748

Hope Zaleski
Assistant Network Administrator
Carthage College
Kenosha Wisconsin

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