Hi Hope
are there any error messages,
there should be because if you do a q vol xxxxx it returns somthing right?
Volume name, stgpool etc,
if thats the case you cannot update the volume to scratch because it still
contains data, do a q cont <volumename> count=100
I think the tape is propabbly not readable anymore, when TSM cant read the label
of a volume it changes state to unavailable so it is not mounted again.
If TSM cant read the label of a scratch tape it changes the state of the tape to
private so it's not used again.

Last try  del vol <volume_name> and check the actlog, if it says can't delete
volume xxx because it still contains data
do a move data on the volume, if that fails restore the volume from copypool, if
thats not available
delete vol <volume_name> discard=yes and hope none of the data on it was deleted
from the original source :-(

Best Regards

Markus Veit

                                               An:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                               Thema:   TSM Volumes

             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Received :  30.12.2002
             Bitte antworten an "ADSM:
             Dist Stor Manager"

I was wondering if someone could help me out.
I have a 3583 tape library with a x330 windows 2000 server
running TSM 5.1.5.

I have a volume that is listed in both the vol and libv

The volume is marked as private, has no data on it and is
also unavailable.

I would like to make it available scratch, but cannot. The
only thing I've been able to do is check the volume out of
the library.

Any suggestions?

Hope Zaleski
Assistant Network Administrator
Carthage College
Kenosha Wisconsin

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