Query the node with F=d and change Number of Mount points from 0 to at
least number of drives you have in library. What happened is stgpool
probally filled up and the backup tried to continue on tape, but with
Number of Mount points set to 0 said no and it failed.

Robert Rippy

From: "Conko, Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/17/2002 04:19 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Idle system fails with Media mount not possible

strange one... and ive looked at everything i can think of.

In client dsmerror.log:

12/17/02   15:01:54 ANS1228E Sending of object
'/tibco/logs/hawk/log/Hawk4.log' failed
12/17/02   15:01:54 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

12/17/02   15:01:57 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

In activity log:

ANR0535W Transaction failed for session 1356 for node
SY00113 (AIX) - insufficient mount points available to
satisfy the request.

There is NOTHING else running on this TSM server. All 6 drives are online.
The backup is going to a 18GB diskpool that is 8% full, there are plenty of
scratch tapes, i set max mount points to 2. keep mount point=yes. it starts
backing up the system then just fails... always at the same point. the file
its trying to back up does not exceed the max size. all drives are empty,
online. diskpool is online. i see the sessions start and then just after a
minute or 2 just abort.

any ideas?

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