You didn't mention the Maint Level of AIX 4.3.3. If you have less than ML 10, then I would upgrade to that as one step.
David Longo >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/17/02 05:15PM >>> How strange.. I just went through something similar. Running on AIX 4.3.3, TSM What are you running? The short answer was to reboot the AIX operating system, and everything started working fine.. The long answer follows (well, not really an answer, just my situation, and what I tried to resolve it). Server AIX 4.3.3 TSM Nodes W2K Storage Agent BA Client TDP for SQL 2.2 SQL 2000 and WinNT4 Storage Agent BA Client TDP for SQL 1.1 SQL 6.5 Relevant TSM server storage as follows... diskpool_sql_meta (no next storage pool intended only for the */.../meta/.../* info) diskpool_sql (next storage pool is ltotape_sql, intended for smaller databases) ltotape_sql (collocation of FILESPACE since /stripes=2 backups are kept here) The SQL 2000 server had been having issues over the last few months where backups to ltotape_sql with /stripes=2 of a 265GB database would fail with a "server media mount no possible" error, but /stripes=1 differential backups would back up fine. Oddly, increasing the Maximum Mount Points for the node by one would allow the /stripes=2 backup to succeed, but the next time a /stripes=2 backup would run, it would fail (until I increased the MMP again). I had 5 drives, all free and unused and 7 MMP for the node when... this new wrinkle occurred. The SQL 6.5 server started having problems backing up certain databases: the smaller system databases; master, model, msdb, pubs, tempdb, with and error message of "server media mount not possible". All the DBs on this server have a destination of ltotape_sql. Like you, plenty of room in the storage pool, plenty of scratch. Called support Got level one.. told him a few things.. he didn't even want to try it.. and immediately escalated to level two. While I waited for a call back from level two, the following occurred. I noticed that there are some databases in diskpool_sql that haven't migrated to ltotape_sql. Kicking off a migration gets a similar error message "media mount not possible", which, oddly, is the same message I got from the storage agent when backing up tapes to ltotape_sql. I carefully detailed what it took to migrate those 3 files from diskpool_sql to ltotape_sql, which is a whole other chapter by itself, involving changing maxscratch up and down, moving data, and a few other hoops, and I was unable to get some tapes to "move" with a move data command (tapes that had only one master or msdb or tempdb type database on them). Level two calls back. I go through the entire situation, including the fact of the Max Mount Point having to change every time I did I /stirpes=2 backup (I wasn't sure if that was a related issue or not). She is baffled, and wants to think it over and search databases etc to see what she can come up with. Within 30 mins, she calls back and asks me to reboot the TSM server's OS (uptime reported a whopping 82 days), just to see what would happen. I do. Migrations go. Backups /stripes=1 go. Backups /stripes=2 go (even with MMP set back to 4 for that node, instead of 7 ( with only 5 tape drives remember). This was Friday. Sunday night, the TSM server did something odd (haven't reported this to TSM support yet). It just stopped. It showed link status on the fiber cards, and network cards, but you couldn't ping it, the server console wouldn't wake up, nothing. Even the display on the front was dark, but the power light was on steady like it was operational, not flashing like it would be if you did a proper shutdown. I "reset" it Monday morning when I found it that way, and then had to do a clean shutdown and power on to get the fiber cards to see the library correctly. Very weird. So, I am taking Monday morning (yesterday) as the start time to see how long it takes until I have to increase my MMP on the one node just to get a /stripes=2 backup. The saga continues... "Conko, Steven" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: M> Fax to: Sent by: Subject: Idle system fails with Media mount not possible "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] IST.EDU> 12/17/2002 03:19 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" strange one... and ive looked at everything i can think of. In client dsmerror.log: 12/17/02 15:01:54 ANS1228E Sending of object '/tibco/logs/hawk/log/Hawk4.log' failed 12/17/02 15:01:54 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible 12/17/02 15:01:57 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible In activity log: ANR0535W Transaction failed for session 1356 for node SY00113 (AIX) - insufficient mount points available to satisfy the request. There is NOTHING else running on this TSM server. All 6 drives are online. The backup is going to a 18GB diskpool that is 8% full, there are plenty of scratch tapes, i set max mount points to 2. keep mount point=yes. it starts backing up the system then just fails... always at the same point. the file its trying to back up does not exceed the max size. all drives are empty, online. diskpool is online. i see the sessions start and then just after a minute or 2 just abort. any ideas? "MMS <>" made the following annotations on 12/17/2002 07:13:49 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain confidential, proprietary, or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it, and notify the sender. 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