Need clarifcation of your statements.  Let me explain.
TDP SQL does not only do FULL backups of the SQL DB's, but can
also do LOG backups - live and it will not put these logs on disk, it
backs them up to TSM server like the FULL backups.  Now when
the LOG backup happens, it truncates the SQL transaction log for the
DB's backed up on completion of the LOG backup.

Now if the LOG backups are done by DBA's through SQL only and these
logs files are put on disk somewhere for a regular TSM B/A client to
up, then that is a different story.  You need to know how often, naming

convention etc. that the DBA's use so you can adequately back these
They may delete these by their own method after a certain time, say
the next FULL backup. This requires more planning on your and DBA's
to work correctly.

We use both LOG backup methods here with a number of  variations
for various reasons.  In some cases we do hourly LOG backups

We have done successful restores of DB and LOGs for both situations.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5509

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04/02 09:17AM >>>
We have a requirement to restore the transaction logs back to their
location either on the orginal or an alternate server or to be able to
process the transaction logs as disk files some kind of way before they
deleted after a TDP for SQL Server Backup.

My DBAs tell me SQL server deletes the transaction logs immediately
after a
backup which presents a problem for a third party utility we want to
auditing with.

Any ideas?

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

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